ESR Journal open Junior Editor position application

At ESR Journal, we want to help researchers gain an understanding of editorial process, by experience, from an early stage in their careers. Junior Editor performs basic technical checks of the submitted manuscript and together with Academic Editors oversee the peer review process for the journal, including evaluating submissions, selecting reviewers and assessing their comments, and making editorial decisions.

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ESR Journal team working on new online manuscript submission and review system

Features of the new online manuscript submission and review system will include: online submission of manuscripts, cover letters, abstracts and reviews; the ability to easily send review requests, reminders, thank-you and decision letters; reports identifying outstanding reviews and revisions, stuck manuscripts, and turnaround times (among others); email notification of significant manuscript actions (manuscript submitted, review returned, review declined, etc.); a menu-driven interface.

ESR Journal team decides to adopt Ambra

Ambra is an innovative Open Source platform for publishing Open Access research articles. It provides features for post-publication annotation and discussion that allows for a "living" document around which further scientific discoveries can be made. The platform is in active development by the PLOS (Public Library of Science) and is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

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Early Stage Researchers’ Journal

The Association of Doctoral Candidates and Young Researchers of Serbia decides to create ESR Journal with the aim of improving the way important results are presented and shared. ESR stands for Early Stage Researchers Journal. Why ESR? Because we think that nowadays universities, research institutes and publishers do not pay attention to guide ESRs through the publication process. ....

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